W. R. MEADOWS was very pleased to host an Air Barrier Association of America (ABAA) installer certification training course at our location in Hampshire, Illinois for 15 contractors from across the country. ABAA is the national voice of the air barrier industry, setting a high standard for building envelope excellence through their Quality Assurance Program. ABAA President Russ Snow is also Building Science Specialist at W. R. MEADOWS.
This 3-day training program, taught by Peter Spafford, the Director of Quality Assurance from the ABAA, focused on both theory and practical instruction for self-adhered and fluid applied air barriers.
The classroom training covered topics such as understanding the need for and function of an air barrier assembly, the ability to select and install the correct material(s) applications, the ability to confirm proper installation through on-site testing, and the documentation required throughout the air barrier installation process.
The practical portion allowed the installers to put their experience and training to the test by installing both types of materials to a mock structure.
The training was a great success and a pleasure to host. Thank you to all in attendance.