Product Data Sheet
03 62 13 |
DATA SHEET 3600-805 |
805 CONSTRUCTION GROUT WINTER-GRADE is a pre-blended Portland cement grout containing non-ferrous admixtures to counteract plastic and drying shrinkage.
Complying fully with ASTM C-827 test specifications for non-shrink grout, 805 CONSTRUCTION GROUT WINTER-GRADE is ideal for every phase of structural grouting, which includes structural members, bridge seats, machinery bases, crane rails, anchorage systems, underpinning, and concrete repairs.
- Very versatile in use.
- May be pumped, packed, or poured.
- Can be used in temperature as low as low as -6.7° C.
- At normal temperatures, the working time or pot life is one full hour, which allows ample time for mixing, transporting, and placing.
- Other than conventional concrete curing requirements, no other special measures are necessary to preserve the stability of 805 CONSTRUCTION GROUT – WINTER-GRADE
25 Kg Bags
One bag (25 kg) will yield approximately 14,200 cm3 (0.5 ft.3). For exceptionally thick sections, [10 cm (4”) and over] 805 CONSTRUCTION GROUT – WINTER-GRADE should be cut 50% with pea gravel or 9.5 cm (3/8”) crushed stone.
One year from date of manufacture when stored indoors on pallets in a dry, cool area. Do not store product outside.
- ASTM C-827
- CRD-C 619
- CRD-C 621
Strength gain of flowable grout – 50.8 MM (2″) cubes confined (CRD-C621 on 140% flow value).
Temperature | 24 Hours | 72 Hours | 7 Days | 28 Days | 50 Days |
Cast & Cured @ 4.4° C (40oF) |
10 MPa 1500 psi |
17 MPa 2500 psi |
31 MPa 4500 psi |
41 MPa 6000 psi |
44 MPa 8000 psi |
Cast & Cured @ 21.1° C (70o F) |
20 MPa 3000 psi |
30 MPa 4400 psi |
35 MPa 5000 psi |
50 MPa 7500 psi |
55 MPa 8000 psi |
Surface Preparation …Prepare concrete substrate in accordance with ICRI Technical Guideline No 310.2-1997: Specifying Concrete Surface Preparation for Sealers, Coatings, and Polymer Overlays. Mechanically roughen or high pressure water-jet the existing concrete substrate to an ICRI concrete surface profile (CSP) of CSP-4 or higher. Remove all unsound concrete and provide a profiled, porous surface. The substrate must also be structurally sound, dust-free, and free of grease, oil, dirt, curing compounds, release agents, or any other surface or penetrated contaminants, coatings, or similar materials that will adversely affect the bond. Sanding or wire-brushing are not approved concrete surface preparation methods.
Substrate must be brought to a fully saturated, surface dry (SSD) condition and free of standing water during the entire application of the grout. Abrasive blast the steel baseplates or any steel that will come in contact with 805 CONSTRUCTION GROUT – WINTER-GRADE to a white metal finish.
Flowable Grout Consistency … Use approximately 4 – 4.5 L (1.1 – 1.2 gal.) of water per 25 kg bag.
Dry Pack Consistency … Use only sufficient water to produce a coherent ball when squeezed tightly in the hand. Sprinkle water over dry mixture and work in with a shovel. Mixed grout must be rammed in place with a hardwood or metal tool.
Placement… Mix only small quantities of 805 CONSTRUCTION GROUT – WINTER-GRADE by hand until lump-free. Mechanically mix with a high torque, low speed drill (400 – 600 rpm) and paddle or paddle-type mortar mixer. Mix for a minimum of three minutes or until uniform and lump-free. Use the minimum water required to produce desired placement consistency. Do not mix more than can be placed in 15 minutes. Do not re-temper. Use only clean, potable water.
Aggregate Extension… When grouting large areas, extend 805 CONSTRUCTION GROUT – WINTER-GRADE with washed, dried, well-graded, non-reactive, dense pea gravel. For thicknesses 50.8 – 101.6 mm (2″ – 4″), add up to 25% 9.5 mm (3/8″) pea gravel. For medium-flow mixes, 50 mm (4″) and over, add up to 50% 9.5 mm (3/8″) pea gravel. The addition of pea gravel is based on percentage of the weight of the dry grout. The use of aggregate to extend 805 CONSTRUCTION GROUT – WINTER-GRADE will reduce flow and pumping characteristics. A well-graded aggregate conforming to table 2 of ASTM C33, Size Number 8 will help to minimize loss of flow and pumping characteristics.
Forming … Standard hard wood, exterior-grade wood or metal forming may be used. The forms should be coated with a form release agent, such as the DUOGARD line from W. R. MEADOWS, for easy removal. The form edges should be caulked and sealed to a liquid-tight condition. Forms must be designed to provide a hydraulic head. Forming must also ensure adequate venting to avoid air entrapment. Do not make close fitting forms; allow 12.7 mm (½”) clearance and 25.4 mm (1″) for head. The forms should be placed between 50.8 – 152.4 mm (2 – 6″) away from the perimeter of the machine base to allow for air to escape and to provide for a grout shoulder around the base plate.
805 CONSTRUCTION GROUT – WINTER-GRADE is easily placed by pouring or pumping and compaction can be accomplished by rodding or tapping. Place grout on one side, flowing to opposite and adjacent sides, to avoid entrapment of air. Grout head and excess grout may be removed after initial set. Remove the forms after the grout has sufficiently hardened (4 to 10 hours depending on temperature) to avoid damaging and trim edges to desired profile.
Curing … Immediately following application, cure 805 CONSTRUCTION GROUT – WINTER-GRADE using a suitable curing compound from W. R. MEADOWS or in accordance with American Concrete Institute (ACI) 308. W. R. MEADOWS recommends VOCOMP-30, 1215-WHITE, or 1220-WHITE. When conditions exist for rapid early water loss, the use of EVAPRE™, an evaporation retarder from W. R. MEADOWS, is also recommended.
Grouting application shall be performed in accordance with ACI 351.1R: Grouting between Foundations and Bases for Support of Equipment and Machinery and other applicable ACI recommendations. Minimum application thickness is 12.7 mm (1/2″).
Do not apply to frost-covered concrete. Protect from freezing by use of insulated or electric curing blanket, external heating, or other suitable method for up to three days after application. Follow cold temperature application procedure ACI 306, “Standard on cold weather concreting” if both the daily temperature falls below 4.4° C and the air temperature does not rise above 23.9° C for more than 12 hours in any 24 hour period for three consecutive days prior to insulation.
Follow ACI 305 “Standard on hot weather concreting” if conditions existing for rapid water loss, which includes high air temperature, high winds, direct sun or low humidity.
Do not use as a repair mortar, overlay, or underlayment. Please contact W. R. MEADOWS for specific repair mortar recommendations. Set time, flow, and strength development are highly dependent on temperature. Colder temperatures will increase set time and delay compressive strength gain.
Read and follow application information, precautions, and Safety Data Sheet information. As with all cement-based materials, avoid direct contact with aluminum or similar type reactive metals. If contact must occur, coat the aluminum or other reactive metals with REZI-WELD 1000 or REZI-WELD LV from W. R. MEADOWS.
03 62 13 – Non-Metallic Non-Shrink Grouting
May help contribute to LEED credits:
- MRc9: Construction and Demolition Waste Management