AIR-SHIELD LMP with AIR-SHIELD LIQUID FLASHING for Rough Openings Installation Animation
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AIR-SHIELD LIQUID FLASHING is a high-quality, gun grade, low-odor, elastomeric, polyether liquid-applied flashing and detailing membrane. It bonds to most construction materials, such as aluminum, brick, concrete, wood, and vinyl and exterior gypsum board.
AIR-SHIELD LIQUID FLASHING is to be used as a liquid-applied flashing, compatible with the entire line of AIR-SHIELD air, vapor, and liquid moisture barriers. This general-purpose, wet flashing membrane is used to seal rough openings and detail joints between exterior gypsum board. AIR-SHIELD LIQUID FLASHING is designed for window and door flashing applications. The product will not harm foam insulation.
– Data Sheet
– Installation Instructions
– AIR-SHIELD Line of Air Barriers