Product Data Sheet
03 39 23 | No. 1250 | ![]() |
Resin-Based, Water Emulsion Concrete Curing Compound
1250-WHITE is a dissipating, resin-based, white-pigmented concrete curing compound. When properly applied, 1250-WHITE provides a premium-grade film that optimizes water retention. The white pigment reflects sunlight to help keep the concrete surface cooler and prevent excessive heat buildup, which can cause thermal cracking. 1250-WHITE is a true water-emulsion product. NOTE: After approximately four to five weeks, the membrane begins to chemically break down when exposed to UV rays. The membrane will eventually dissipate from the surface. This process is sped up by exposure to traffic and UV light, as well as weathering conditions.
1250-WHITE has been formulated specifically for federal, state, and municipal highway and airport paving projects. It is ideal for application on exterior, horizontal surfaces, such as street and curb paving. 1250-WHITE provides excellent curing properties when protection from the sun’s heat is desired.
- When properly applied, provides a premium-grade film, which optimizes water retention.
- Protects by reflecting sunlight to keep the concrete surface cooler and prevent excessive heat buildup, which can cause thermal cracking.
- Furnished as a dissipating, ready-to-use, true water-emulsion compound.
- Minimizes hair-checking, thermal cracking, dusting, and other defects.
- Offers a compressive strength greater than improperly cured or uncured concrete.
- Minimizes shrinkage.
- Applies easily with conventional commercial spray equipment.
- VOC compliant.
5 Gallon (18.9 L) Pails
55 Gallon (208.2 L) Drums
275 Gallon (1041 L) Totes
Approximately 200 ft.2 /gal. (4.91 m²/L). Coverage is approximate and may vary depending on surface finish/texture, concrete condition, climatic conditions, etc. Always apply to a test area first to determine actual coverage rate before full-scale application.
When stored indoors in original, unopened containers at temperatures between 40° – 90° F, optimum performance and best use is obtained within one year of date of manufacture.
- AASHTO M 148, Type 2, Class A & B
- ASTM C309, Type 2, Class A & B
- Complies with all current federal, state, and local maximum allowable VOC requirements, including National EPA VOC Emission Standard for Architectural Coatings, CARB, LADCO, OTC Phase I and II, and SCAQMD*.
- FAA Item P-610-2.11(e)
*In the SCAQMD area of California, this product is for use on roadways and bridges only. (Not for use on curbs and gutters, sidewalks, islands, driveways, and other miscellaneous concrete areas.)
VOC Content: 193 g/L
Mixing… Any settling in the drums can be easily re-dispersed with gentle agitation prior to use. To avoid foaming, do not mix excessively. NOTE: DO NOT MIX WATER-BASED COMPOUNDS WITH ANY COMPOUNDS CONTAINING SOLVENT.
Application Method… Application equipment must be clean and free of any previously used materials. Spray on in one even coat with a hand or power sprayer as soon as the surface water disappears from horizontal concrete surfaces and the surface will not be marred by walking workman. Use a Chapin 1949 or equivalent sprayer and a spray tip that produces a flow of 0.5 GPM (1.9 LPM) under 40 psi of pressure.
Drying Time… Depends on weather conditions and coverage, but will generally dry in two to four hours. Restrict foot traffic until completely dry.
Cleanup… Clean application equipment with soap and water while the material is wet.
Do not use on patios, sidewalks, or other areas where there is no wheel traffic to abrade white film surface. If surfaces to be painted, sealed, or treated in any manner, residual membrane should be removed. Do not apply when the temperature of the concrete is less than 40° F (4.4° C). DO NOT MIX WITH ANY COMPOUNDS CONTAINING SOLVENT. DO NOT ADD OR DILUTE WITH ANY OTHER COMPOUNDS. KEEP FROM FREEZING. Read and follow application information, precautions, and safety data information.
In the SCAQMD area of California, this product is for use on roadways and bridges only. (Not for use on curbs and gutters, sidewalks, islands, driveways, and other miscellaneous concrete areas.)