Any tears, punctures, air blisters, fishmouths, etc., must be repaired to ensure continuity of the AIR-SHIELD self-adhesive air/vapor barrier. The following procedure can be used to accomplish this.
1. Make repairs by removing any/all damaged AIR-SHIELD.
2. Any/all remaining AIR-SHIELD must be completely bonded/adhered to the substrate.
3. Areas to be repaired must be thoroughly cleaned, dried, and then re-primed with MEL-PRIME™, MEL-PRIME N.E., or MEL-PRIME W/B from W. R. MEADOWS.
4. All sections where any of the MEL-PRIME products were applied must be allowed to dry thoroughly prior to installation of the patch.
5. AIR-SHIELD patches must be cut large enough to allow the patch to extend 3″ (76.2 mm) onto the previously applied (existing) AIR-SHIELD in all directions.
6. Any/all patched areas must be roll pressed to ensure that proper bond/adhesion has been achieved.
7. All edges of an AIR-SHIELD patch must be completely/thoroughly sealed with POINTING MASTIC from W. R. MEADOWS.