Product Data Sheet
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Gunite/Shotcrete Curing Aid & Hardener
DECK-O-TREAT is a gunite/shotcrete curing aid specially formulated to provide the contractor with a good, general purpose curing aid for construction applications where economy is of prime importance. It contains no wax, resin or solvent. DECK-O-TREAT meets maximum VOC content limits of 100 g/L as required by SCAQMD Rule 1113.
DECK-O-TREAT is ready to use and aids in curing gunite and shotcrete. Surfaces treated with DECK-O-TREAT can later be covered by additional finishes, such as paint, tile adhesive or plaster. DECK-O-TREAT can be used on both horizontal and vertical surfaces.
PACKAGING 5 Gallon (18.93 L) Pails 55 Gallon (208.20 L) Drums |
Preparation… Application equipment must be clean and free of any previously used materials.
Mixing…For optimum performance, gentle mixing or agitation is recommended.
Application Method… Apply DECK-O-TREAT as soon as any surface water has disappeared and the surface is dry to the touch. Apply one even coat with a pressure hand sprayer or paint roller.
GUNITE/SHOTCRETE: 200 ft.²/gal. (18.58 m²/L)
Cleanup… Application equipment may be cleaned easily with soap and water while still wet.
DO NOT DILUTE. Do not apply if the temperature of the treated surface is less than 40º F (4º C). KEEP FROM FREEZING. If frozen, product should be thawed and agitated lightly prior to use. If DECK-O-TREAT is accidentally sprayed or spilled on glass, brick, aluminum, painted surfaces, etc., flush immediately with water. Do not over-apply.
This product will not support combustion. Read and follow application information and use in accordance with the Health and Safety Information shown on the label. Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet for complete health and safety information.
October 2007

P.O. BOX 397 HAMPSHIRE, IL 60140 PHONE: 800-542-POOL (7665) FAX: 847-214-2268
“DECK-O-SEAL®, A Division of W. R. MEADOWS, INC., warrants at the time and place we make shipment, our material will be of good quality and will conform with our published specifications in force on the date of acceptance of the order.” Read complete warranty. Copy furnished upon request.
The information contained herein is included for illustrative purposes only, and to the best of our knowledge, is accurate and reliable. DECK-O-SEAL cannot however under any circumstances make any guarantee of results or assume any obligation or liability in connection with the use of this information. As DECK-O-SEAL has no control over the use to which others may put its product, it is recommended that the products be tested to determine if suitable for specific application and/or our information is valid in a particular circumstance. Responsibility remains with the architect or engineer, contractor and owner for the design, application and proper installation of each product. Specifier and user shall determine the suitability of products for specific application and assume all responsibilities in connection therewith.